Maumee Bay State Lodge & Conference Center
Maumee Bay State Park, Oregon, OH
September 5 & 6
Conference Description
Join us on the shores of Lake Erie for the 2024 Ohio Watershed Leaders Conference!
Watershed management professionals and enthusiasts connect and learn about
regional and statewide initiatives. With its focus on education, networking, and the
advancement of the profession, this conference is an opportunity you do not want to
miss. Connect with like-minded professionals as you listen and learn, visit restoration
sites, stroll along the trails, enjoy expansive views and visits to Lake Erie and Maumee
State Park, paddle the small inland lake, and of course, join us at the campfire!
Whether you are a seasoned expert or a fresh face in the industry, the conference offers
ample opportunities to exchange ideas, share experiences, and expand your
professional network. The Ohio Watershed Professionals Association is committed to
advancing education and scientific research in this vital field. Your participation directly
supports these efforts and helps us make a meaningful impact on Ohio's water
Early Bird Registration until August 1 – $100 ($90 for WMAO Members)
Late Registration Aug. 2-23 $125 ($115 for WMAO Members)
Registration includes all meals, tours, and learning sessions. Optional free camping or
shared lodging is included OR discounted rate for single-occupancy cottage rooms are
The tours will take place across the region, and the inside portion of the conference will
be held at Maumee Bay State Lodge & Conference Center at Maumee Bay State Park
in Oregon, Ohio.
Once dominated by the Great Black Swamp, the Maumee River Watershed influences the
water quality and habitats of the western Lake Erie Basin and the region. Ditched and
drained in the 1800s, this formerly vast wetland is now predominantly used for
agriculture. The port city of Toledo is situated along the banks of the Maumee River
which drains to Lake Erie. The landscape alterations have affected water quality,
flooding, and habitat in the watershed and Lake Erie. For decades, concerned partners
have collaborated to understand and improve watershed and lake conditions. Join us to
learn more about this important region, the local approaches with broader application,
and other topics of statewide interest.
Overnight Accommodations
You have four choices for your overnight stay. When you register for the conference,
you will choose one. Reserve cottage rooms UNTIL AUGUST 1!
ON YOUR OWN - You may choose to make your own arrangements.
FREE CAMPING – We have reserved a cluster of 10 campsites (each
accommodating up to three tents), located close to bathrooms, showers, and the bike-
hike trail. You must bring your own tent and all gear.
Join us at a WMAO campfire! (Location TBA)
DEADLINE AUGUST 1 - FREE SHARED COTTAGE with shared bedroom, kitchen,
screened patio, and living room. Can request a specific roommate but no guarantees.
Sleeping arrangements include bunks, lofts, and shared bedrooms.
SHARED COTTAGE includes single bedroom, and shared kitchen, screened patio, and
living room.
2024 Watershed Leaders Conference Agenda
Through field visits, participants gain a first-hand knowledge of regional conditions and
restoration efforts with broad application. Presentations address a broader scope of
topics, addressing other issues and initiatives of regional and statewide importance.
Day 1: Explore, Experience, and Engage – Restoration Benefits the Region
From wetlands and farmland to the city of Toledo, restoration and mitigation efforts are
improving conditions and habitat of the watershed and lake, while supporting
agriculture, recreation, economic development, and other uses. Wetland and stream
restoration are especially important in the altered lands of the Great Black Swamp,
improving habitat and management of stormwater, nutrients, and sediment. Green
infrastructure improves stormwater management and water quality in urbanized areas.
Join colleagues in field visits and learn from partner restoring landscapes:
- Ottawa National Wildife Refuge and surrounding area – the largest contiguous
wetland in the state and focus of decades of wetland restoration for habitat and
recently, nutrient management,
- Pearson Metropark, which has mitigation bank wetland and a wetland remnant of
the Great Black Swamp,
- Stream restoration and BMPs at the City of Oregon Recreation Park, and
- Dine along the Maumee River in the Glass City Metropark, where Toledo
Metroparks and other partners are reshaping an urban river corridor to a
recreational asset with naturalized landscape and green infrastructure.
At the end of the day, relax on your own or with colleagues with a campfire, paddle,
stroll, or trip to the beach at the Maumee Bay State Park.
Day 2: Knowledge Exchange and Expert Insights
At the Conference Center – Prepare to be inspired and informed as we gather for a day of
thought-provoking presentations and engaging discussions. The broad agenda includes
health and restoration of Lake Erie and the Maumee River and other topics of state-
wide interest, such as H2Ohio, microplastics, stormwater and water supply modeling,
and green infrastructure. Our expert speakers, leaders in their respective fields, will
share their invaluable knowledge, cutting-edge research, and best practices in
watershed management. From innovative approaches to policy updates, the topics
covered will address the most pressing challenges and opportunities in our industry.
Don't miss this chance to be part of a dynamic community of professionals
working towards a common goal. Register now for the Ohio Watershed Leaders
2024 Annual Conference and embark on a journey of learning, inspiration, and
advocacy. Together, let's shape a sustainable future for our watersheds.
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