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Water Management Association of Ohio

                                The only organization dedicated to all of Ohio's water resources.

HomeAffiliated Student Organization

Affiliated Student Organizations

Any university or college student group, sanctioned by their academic institution, may join WMAO as an Affiliated Student Organization (ASO).

There is a one-time initiation fee required ($250) and student members within the ASO join at the student member rate, with an annual renewal as individuals ($10). An ASO must retain at least one active member in WMAO. Each ASO can designate one non-voting liaison to the WMAO Board of Directors.

TerrAqua from Ohio State University

TerrAqua is a student environmental group at Ohio State University. They were first recognized as a WMAO Student Affiliated Organization in 2015.

TerrAqua has partnered with the Ohio Lake Management Society to bring the Citizen Lake Awareness and Monitoring program to the Hidden Lake Homeowner’s Association in urban Columbus. They were recognized for their outreach and enrichment work at Hidden Lake with the Rachel Carson Award for Civic Engagement in October 2018. 

We welcome your student group!

For more information on how to join WMAO as an Affiliated Student Organization, please contact Dana Oleskiewicz, WMAO Administrative Director [ or 330-466-5631].


Ohio Northern University students joined us at the 2019 WMAO Annual Conference.

Educators who bring students to this annual event (5 or more) are eligible to register at a reduced rate as an Emeritus. Students register themselves directly at the student rate, or the educator can include them on their registration as additional guests. Students' names, emails, and special dietary requirements are required at check-out. Contact for more information.