Ohio Ground Water Association Meetings
OGWA Meetings are from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on the third Thursday of February, April and June, the fourth Thursday of September and during the WMAO November Conference. The meetings are held with both in-person and on-line options. The in-person location is on the second floor of Building B of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Columbus office (2045 Morse Road, Columbus).
OGWA meetings usually have a presentation relevant to ground water resources in Ohio and ground water related public updates from attending representatives of government departments and agencies as well as private entities. For more information on the meetings please contact Lindsay Taliaferro at L.Taliaferro@epa.ohio.gov
2025 Meeting Dates/Presentation
February 20
Managed Aquifer Recharge/Aquifer Storage and Recovery – ARSus, LLC
April 17
Challenges Facing the Columbus South Well Field – City of Columbus
June 19
September 26