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Water Management Association of Ohio

                                The only organization dedicated to all of Ohio's water resources.


Ohio Dam Safety Organization

The Ohio Dam Safety Organization (ODSO) is the Dam Safety Division of the Water Management Association of Ohio (WMAO) dedicated to promoting the safety of Ohio’s dams.

About ODSO

The mission of ODSO shall be to promote dam safety in the State of Ohio by establishing a partnership between dam owners, operators, engineers and regulators. The organization shall provide a forum for education and discussion on dam safety related issues and provide a voice for all concerned in the formation and implementation of dam safety policy in the State of Ohio.

To increase awareness of dam safety through newsletters, publications, and other events.

To provide a link to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) – Division of Water Resources (Dam Safety), the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) and other local, state and federal groups with an interest in dam safety including pursuit of active participation in the development of dam safety regulations.